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Submitted by: Luke Dunphy
Species flowers attract bees melittophylous through a combination of shapes, fragrances and colors. Thus, the corollas are amariposadas (eg, the legume papilion ideas as clover and lucerne ), Labiatae (ie, with the petals together in two groups so as to form two lips, just as in theLabiatae and some compound ) or shaped fauce . The corollas have surfaces that pose the insect and nectar guides (such as spots or lines coloraedas) indicating the location of nectar. Also, this type of flowers produce aromatics in osm foros found in the corolla (eg in Citrus ) in the crown ( Narcissus ), or in other floral organs. The bees perceive the colors yellow, blue and white. Not, on the other hand, the pure red. They are also able to perceive ultraviolet rays , which are outside the spectrum visible to humans. For this reason, many flowers are yellow to our eyes, bees perceive a purple color, which for that reason is called “bee purple”.
Bees are able to memorize sensations ( Color and smell ) of a positive visit, and repeated several days in flowers of the same species : floral attributes associated with nutrition, and they can transmit information to their partners through the dance language.
Flowers open thanks to the skill of the collector; certain flowers can be pollinated only by animals with a particular body structure. The flower ofSalvia pratensis ( lipped ), for example, has two stamens attached to the corolla, in which the filament is short and the connective is long, with 2 arms, the long arm carries the rich teak, and a short arm converted into a sterile teak insert which joins with the other yarn. This plate, in normal position hinders the access to the nectar. When pressed by the pollinator, such as bees or bumble bees of the genus Bombus , the long ends of the connective and thecae fertile descendants, joined together, rub the back of the insect depositing pollen on it. The flowers are protandrous, and in old flowers, the style elongates and the stigma receptive ranks of fertile libraries, so that when Bombus visit one of them leaves the pollen on the stigma .
In certain plant species (members of the families Ericaceae , Melastomataceae and genera Solanum ( Solanaceae ) and Cassia ( Fabaceae ) collecting the pollen is resonant (“buzz-pollination” in English). This type of pollination is done by bees or bumble bees ( Bombus ). These insects cling to the flower and rapid contractions of indirect flight muscles to produce the characteristic hum that vibrates the anthers causing the pollen out. Species pollinated with such resonant share some characteristics flowers, such as bowl-shaped corolla or petals reflexed, small to medium size, the frequent lack of nectar, the anthers with poricida dehiscence, pollen grains small to medium, non-fat and smooth surface.
The coevolution of species of plants and their pollinators has reached the point where the flower mimics a female bee or wasp (orchids Ophrys ), thereby deceiving males of the species concerned, those trying to copulate with the false female receive a mass of pollen called pollinia that binds to a specific part of the insect body. Then he places the pollinia on another orchid.
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