Summer Landscaping In West Chester And Lawn Care Tips

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Summer Landscaping in West Chester and Lawn Care Tips


Erica Ronchetti

Landscaping in West Chester: How To Effectively Water and Mulch Your Landscape for the SummerLandscapers in West Chester PA know that watering is extremely important to sustain plant growth during the hot and dry summer months, but when not done properly it can cause damage and harm to plants, shrubbery, and flowerbeds.When watering your lawn or landscape this summer, keep in mind the following:For annual and perennial plants,use hoses designed to soak beds slowly. Avoid overhead watering plants and flowers, as that causes them to droop or become spotty or damaged in the sun. For plants in pots, containers, and hanging baskets, choose a hose with a wide nozzle and aim the water spray gently. Plastic and glazed plant and flower containers work best as they don t allow water to evaporate like terra cotta pots do. For lawns, an inch of water a week is just right.If you notice runoff, stop irrigating your lawn and wait till that water is absorbed before turning on your sprinklers again.Landscapers in West Chester use a different approach for trees and larger plants.When watering, make sure you give tree roots a deep soak once or twice a month. Allow your sprinkler to wet the tree s entire root zone, or if using a hose, insert it into the soil and run the water, moving it around different areas of the tree for an even soak.When to water?Always water early in the morning when temperatures are cooler and water won t easily evaporate.Landscapers in West Chester provide mulch, which is necessary to cover soil and protect plants and flowers from erosion and moisture loss. Mulch also enriches soil as it decomposes.A Landscaper in West Chester will be able to provide mulch how-to information and services, as every kind of soil is different and requires different watering techniques and mulch application.Landscaping experts in West Chester water lawns depending how deep roots reach one inch of water is capable of moistening soil down to four inches. Sandy soil is more likely to require frequent watering, although it can absorb less water. Rich dense soil can hold a lot of water and requires less frequent treatment.1-3 inches of mulch is necessary to protect soil from summer heat and moisture loss.Landscapers in West Chester know that landscaping can enhance the quality of your shrubbery, flowers, trees, and property.With summer landscaping, you can use greenery to add color, fragrance, shade, privacy, and protection to your yard, lawn, or garden and expert landscaping can raise the value of a home. Learn more about landscaping in West Chester and let landscapers in West Chester water and landscape your lawn this summer and perform other lawn care services to beautify your property and add significant value to your home.

Erica Ronchetti is a freelance writer for Froio s Lawn & Landscape. We provide Landscaping, LawnCare, & other Lawn Services company to help you achieve the lawn you have always wanted.Find out more about


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