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Submitted by: John Snorl
With the arrival of monsoons, the threat of another dengue fever outbreak looms large particularly in tropical regions like India etc.
Though efforts are on by the governments to raise awareness and take necessary steps to manage dengue fever cases better this time, but every individual will also need to do his/her bit to ensure that we do not witness a repeat of last year. In this blog post, well share some information about dengue virus and steps which should be taken to prevent as well as manage it effectively.
How is dengue virus transmitted? What are the important preventive measures?
Dengue virus is a mosquito-borne virus which is transmitted by female mosquitoes primarily of the species Aedes aegypti. Aedes mosquito is a small, dark mosquito with white lyre shaped markings and banded legs. This mosquito ususally bites indoors and primarily bites during the day time (though it can bite at night as well in well lit areas). It is extremely common in areas without piped water systems as these mosquitoes depend largely on water containers to lay their eggs. An important point which is unfortunately largely ignored is that Aedes mosquito breeds in fresh clean water as opposed to standing water or dirty drains which we normally associate with mosquitoes. Thus, it extremely important to ensure that there are no water filled containers e.g. old broken goods kept at rooftops, water coolers, pet-watering dishes etc in our surrounding areas. Apart from that, it is recommended to wear full sleeve shirts, long pants, shoes during the day time when these mosquitos are active and apply mosquito repellent over the exposed skin.
What are the symptoms of Dengue Fever?
Symptoms of dengue fever usually begin 4-10 days after one has been bitten by an infected mosquito. The symptoms may range from no signs (during mild cases of dengue fever) to bleeding from nose, mouth, severe abdominal pain etc. The principle symptoms though are:
High feve
Severe joint and muscle pain
Swollen lymph nodes, headaches
Symptoms may rarely include minor bleeding from gums or nose as well.
Is there any treatment?
There is no defined treatment for a dengue infection. Typically, it is recommended that patients should avoid ibuprofen, asprin or asprin containing drugs as these medicines increase the risk of bleeding. Patients should rest and keep themselves hydrated and should be in contact with their physicians.
You may ask why keep in touch with physician when there is no treatment? A valid question but dengue requires symptomatic treatment i.e. treatment is concerned with relief of the symptoms. If ignored, in certain cases dengue fever can prove to be fatal.
The key for effective management of dengue fever is early recognition and understanding of the clinical problems during the different phases of the disease.
Why are diagnostic tests needed then?
The difficult part in early detection of dengue is that frequently, the symptoms of dengue fever are not very different from other types of fevers also prevalent during this season. This problem is addressed through diagnostic tests available in laboratories.
A common misconception is that dengue fever is extremely dangerous and can lead to fatality in majority of the cases. Youll be surprised to know that only a very small fraction (0.37% last year [1]) of dengue fever cases result in a fatality. In most of the cases even an admission into a hospital is not needed. Only thing needed from our side is that we need to be extra cautious particularly during the months of August – November and visit a physician immediately in case of fever.
About the Author: Management professional passionate about usage of technology in increasing the reach and quality of healthcare services in developing nations through my website (
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