Seeming Infertility Can Be Solved By Yoga Poses

Seeming Infertility Can Be Solved By Yoga Poses


Linda Adams

The second half of the preceding century showed a rising number of partners facing difficulties at conception, along with a growing number of women delaying pregnancy until their 30s or 40s. It is a biological reality that women s capacity for conception beyond the 30s diminishes. Thus, many women and couples have learned to resort to medicinal assistance to getting pregnant.

Any effort at getting pregnant can douse a woman with so many anxieties and emotional stresses, more so if that attempt to conceive calls for going through fertility treatment or IVF. Increasingly, physicians are endorsing yoga, combined with the medical treatment. This is to help relieve their stresses, and at the same time, boost their chances at conceiving.

A Harvard research shows a greater number of odds, at least three times more, favoring those whose fertility treatments are boosted by yoga done in synch with the treatments”.

What does yoga have to do with priming up the woman s body to conceive and get pregnant?


It is already a generally-accepted fact that stress is one huge setback for a couple conceiving with difficulty . Stress can disrupt a woman s regular cycles so as to cause a hindrance to ovulation in women and sperm production and/or motility for the men. Yoga, thus, serves as emotional release, that enables relief of anxiety and stress, presenting more chances of pregnancy.

Regular performance of yoga can 1) increase the couple s development towards each other 2) reinforce and intensify their relationship, and 3) grant them the capacity to jointly deal with the pressure of attempting to conceive a baby.

Yoga courses directed at fertility enhancement assist a woman s capacity to conceive in other ways. There are postures that are concentrated on enhancing the flow of energy in the second chakra, the seat of creation, the area where the reproductive organs are located. There are also re-freshening postures that guide the body in preparation for conception. These help relax the abdominal region, eliminating tension from the area of the ovaries,uterus and fallopian tubes. Prone postures extend the abdominal area, thus allowing more blood to circulate to the reproductive organs.

There are also poses specifically performed after sex that effectively work on women’s capacity to conceive. The “Vipartita Kirani,” where the legs are put up on the wall, is a common one. This is to make certain that the sperm remains in the best spot for fertilization, for as long as it is possible.

Finally, yoga can correct erratic hormonal levels which may be the reason for the infertility. There are yoga postures that improve gland functioning, which helps stabilize the hormone levels.

There is no one single report that Yoga, by itself, can promote pregnancy. But regularly doing the postures for fertility concerns can greatly diminish the stress and anxiety of attempting pregnancy.

Coordinated medical treatments and yoga-directed programs certainly prepares the body and mind towards pregnancy and increase possibilities of conception, finally making your hoped-for baby closer to reality.

Linda Adams enjoys all things health related.One of the most excellent yoga websites Linda has found is

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You Can Restore Your Painless Body Through Yoga

one of the finest Yoga blogs.

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Seeming Infertility Can Be Solved By Yoga Poses