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byAlma Abell
Ants are sometimes perceived as a nuisance rather than a threat to the home. In fact, ants can cause a lot of damage. Here are some examples of why the homeowner should work with a professional to come up with the right plan for ant control in St. Paul.
Contaminating the Food
Food doesn’t come cheap, and most families can’t afford to replace packaged foods that are ruined by ants. When an infestation is underway, it’s possible to contaminate everything in the pantry that isn’t secured in a can or some type of airtight container. Think of what would happen to the cereals, sugar, macaroni, and other items in packages the ants can penetrate with ease. Now consider how much it will cost to replace those ruined items. The wisdom of seeking some solution for ant control in St. Paul becomes obvious.
Irritating the Pets
Ants do bite, and that can be painful for pets as well as humans. When the family dog encounters ants marching to and from the pantry, the animal is likely to investigate. That can lead to some nasty bites on the nose. The best move is to call a professional and get rid of the ants before this type of situation develops.
Damaging the Home’s Framework
There are varieties of ants that burrow into wood. When that happens, the wood is weakened and no longer capable of holding up under a lot of stress. Think of what that means for the framework of the house. Allow the infestation to continue long enough and there may be plenty of structural repairs to make even after a professional gets rid of the ant problem.
There is no need to waste time and money on over-the-counter products. A better solution is to Visit Be-there4you.com today and arrange for a professional to inspect the home. Once the extent of the infestation is determined, it will not take long to come up with the right solution. Even after the ants are gone, the team can help the client develop a maintenance plan that ensures the ants or any other pests will have a difficult time getting into the house.